My story
My name is Fazia. I grew up in the heart of Amsterdam where I attended primary school, then the Atheneum and the University of Amsterdam. After graduation, I worked for 8 years as a tax lawyer. During the last 20 years, I’ve worked with different organisations in diverse board functions. What is most distinguishable in my career is the bondness I created from helping build up these organisations, and the resulting satisfaction of both individuals and teams.
Around my 50th, I began searching deeper into my life. I found Raya Yoga and a new chapter was born. The 4 year Yoga teaching course opened my eyes and was the beginning of a turning point in my life. It made me to critically look at my life and ask the question: ‘What do I really need to achieve happiness?’ I wanted less external stimuli and become more selective with how I used my precious, free time.
Being orderly and neat has always played a significant role in my life. Nonetheless, I, my husband and our 3 sons accumulated mountains of belongings over the years.
Over a period of 3 years, I reduced our material goods by half. I freed myself of our possessions by giving or throwing them away, or simply selling them. It was during this period that I discovered the KonMari method and the art of clearing up. I then became a Professional Organiser at the NBPO and followed Marie Kondo’s seminar in New York. I am currently a KonMari Consultant!

"Mijn ware passie en hobby is mijn werk geworden."